Friday, June 3, 2011

Shahrukh Khan's Family waiting for him in Peshawar

We are all aware of the fact that Shahrukh Khan is the proverbial outsider who had no godfather or star parents to give him a break in Bollywood, but still made it to the top league on the basis of sheer merit and talent.
Now we find that the original roots of this Bollywood superstar can be traced back to Peshawar in Pakistan.

His father, Taj Mohammad was born in the city of Peshawar. He was the youngest of the five siblings and completed his graduation from Peshawar’s Edwards College. This is the same college where famous Indian filmstar Raj Kapoor’s father Prithvi Raj Kapoor also studied.

It has been reported that at present the entire paternal family of Shahrukh Khan lives in Shah Wali Qataal area of Peshawar’s famous Qissa Khwani (Kahani) bazaar. The Qissa Khwani (Kahani) bazaar boasts of ‘Kehwa khanas’, stalls of Tikka and Chapli Kabab and also dry fruit shops. In the past, it was a popular site for caravans and military adventures.

Maqsood Ahmed is the elder among all of Shahrukh cousins living in Peshawar. He runs a small business and was overwhelmed with the respect when people came to know that they are the cousins of Shahrukh Khan.

According to him, Khan had visited Peshawar twice, one when he was 13 years old and the last time was in 1980.At that time he stayed for a month with his family in Peshawar.Ahmed commented that Shahrukh much loved Traditional Afghan food.

Ahmed could always sense that Khan would make it big one day. He commented that even though Khan was very young the time they last met, but he had all the exceptional qualities which are required to get into the top league. He was bright, jolly, intelligent and could make interesting conversations.

He believes that Khan has a magnetic personality and anyone would feel proud and honored to the cousin of such a great man.However, when it came to his choice of actors, Ahmed thinks that no one would be able to surpass Dilip Khan and he is the finest actor in Indian Cinema.

He also hopes that Khan, along with his family will visit them in Peshawar one day.

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